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PM: Let’s seek change through the ballot box

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KATHMANDU. After yet another failed attempt to convince the Madhes-based parties to participate in elections scheduled for May 14, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Tuesday asserted that his government is committed to holding the polls and called on dissenting forces to seek solution through ballot boxes.

In his address, most likely prompted by the Madhes-based parties’ refusal to buy the government’s proposal to put the constitution amendment issue on hold till elections, PM Dahal spent a considerable amount of time explaining the efforts he had made to amend the constitution and the fierce opposition he faced in doing so.

“Even discussions on the constitution amendment bill were not allowed for the three long months due to an undemocratic stance maintained by a certain section,” said PM Dahal in an oblique reference to the CPN-UML which had continuously disrupted House proceedings against the constitution amendment bill. “We have the constitutional obligation to hold three tiers of elections by January 21 next year,” he said. “The constitutional provision prevents the formation of federal parliament without the local and provincial elections. We won’t be able to conduct elections once rainy season starts. And on top of that, there is a Supreme Court ruling which bars us from dilly-dallying when it comes to holding elections,” added PM Dahal as he counted his “compulsions” for going for elections. “As a matter of fact, the government was otherwise very much committed to going for polls only after amending the constitution.”

Stating that those who had suppressed Madhesi people are trying to reverse the achievements, Dahal said, “I would like to assure you all that the government would take the constitution amendment process to a logical conclusion.” “Certain elements are in bid to fan the flames of Madhesi sentiment and dreaming about disintegrating the country,” he warned, without naming names. “Separatist forces will at no cost be allowed to raise their ugly heads. The government won’t tolerate any kind of extremism—be it in Mountains, Hills or Tarai,” he added. PM Dahal left no stone unturned to convince the Madhesi populace that his government is with them, saying, “Madhesi people’s development and their government are at their doorsteps in the form of ballot boxes. The government hopes that Madhesi people will take the elections as a festival.”

Published: The Kathmandu Post, 01-03-2017 08:24

वि.सं.२०७३ फागुन १८ बुधवार १३:२७ मा प्रकाशित

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